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AI-driven Marketing Analytics involves comprehensive application of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to understand customers and enhancing their experience.
Customer Data is embedded with hidden patterns and valuable information for marketers to achieve business goals. Understanding your customer’s behavior, purchase intention, retention, and churn rate will allow you to perform targeted marketing and increase your organization’s performance.
CellStrat Hub, the world’s leading AI Development platform, now launches Marketing Analytics pack, a rich set of marketing projects, through which one can learn how to generate valuable customer insights using ML and DL techniques.
Get the CellStrat Hub Marketing Analytics project pack here, and use it to deepen your customer insights and drive superior business performance !
Pack Creator - Honey Yadav, Doctoral Researcher at IIT Delhi and AI Scientist
Explore all project packs on CellStrat Hub here - enabling jumpstart AI development and deployment !
ABOUT CELLSTRAT HUB :- Your one stop shop AI development and AI Apps platform. More than 13000 developers are already using this platform for AI. You too can get started here ! It comes bundled with 150+ projects in AI and ML domains, as well as numerous AI Apps for text processing and image processing tasks !