NLP Hands-on Workshop — Applying NLG (Natural Language Generation)

2 min readFeb 18, 2022


#CellStratAILab #disrupt4.0 #WeCreateAISuperstars #PAAS #AIAsAService #MLOps #NLP #NLG

CellStrat AI Lab is pleased to present “NLP Hands-on Workshop — Applying NLG” tomorrow (Saturday 19th Feb ‘22).

NLG, or Natural Language Generation, is a subset of NLP and refers to generative modelling for Natural Language text. According to Wikipedia, NLG is a software process that produces natural language output. Automated NLG can be compared to the process humans use when they turn ideas into writing or speech.

NLG can be used for producing news and other time-sensitive stories on the internet, authoring articles and stories, educational content etc. It is also related to Speech Synthesis and Conversational AI models.

Text generation can be addressed with Markov processes or deep generative models like LSTMs. Recently, some of the most advanced methods for text generation include BART, GPT and other GAN-based approaches. Text generation systems are evaluated either through human ratings or automatic evaluation metrics like METEOR, ROUGE, and BLEU.

Attend this Workshop tomorrow to learn about applying NLG along with a hands-on workshop on CellStrat Hub - one of the world’s most popular AI Development Platforms.

Topic - NLP Hands-on Workshop - Applying NLG
Dates - Saturday 19th Feb ‘22, 10:30 AM IST
Presenter - Indrajit Singh, AI Researcher
Register Here

See you in this Workshop tomorrow (19th Feb ‘22) ! Let’s innovate with NLP and NLG !

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Written by CellStrat

A Simple and Unified AI Platform for Developers and Researchers.

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