#CellStratAILab #disrupt4.0 #WeCreateAISuperstars #PAAS #AIAsAService #MLOps #NLP #API
CellStrat AI Lab is at the forefront of AI revolution, both in terms of AI research and also AI Platform development, in order to democratize AI for the world.
CellStrat is pleased to present a Hands-on AI workshop on “NLP — Named Entity Recognition (NER)” tomorrow (Sunday 6th Mar ‘22).
What is NER :-
In information extraction, a named entity is a real-world object, such as persons, locations, organizations, products, etc., that can be denoted with a proper name. It can be abstract or have a physical existence.
Examples of named entities include Barack Obama, New York City, Volkswagen, Golf, or anything else that can be named.
In addition to their use in extracting events and the relationship between participants, named entities are useful for many other language processing tasks. For example, in sentiment analysis we might want to know a consumer’s sentiment toward a particular entity. Entities are a useful first stage in question answering, or for linking text to information in structured knowledge sources like Wikipedia.
Attend this Workshop tomorrow to learn about “Named Entity Recognition” along with a hands-on workshop on CellStrat Hub — one of the world’s most popular AI Platforms.
Topic — NLP Hands-on Workshop — Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Date — TOMORROW (Sun 6th Mar ‘22), 10:30 AM IST
Presenter — RameshBabu Lakshmanan, AI Researcher
See you in this Workshop tomorrow ! Let’s disrupt the world with AI !
ABOUT CELLSTRAT HUB :- Your one stop shop AI development and AI Apps platform. More than 13000 developers are already using this platform for AI. You too can get started here ! It comes bundled with 150+ projects in AI and ML domains, as well as numerous AI Apps for text processing and image processing tasks !
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