#CellStratAILab #disrupt4.0 #WeCreateAISuperstars #PAAS #AIAsAService #MLOps #VisionAI #PoseEstimation
CellStrat is pleased to present a hands-on workshop on “Human Pose Estimation in Images” tomorrow (Sunday 27th Feb ‘22).
Did you know that domains like Metaverse depend heavily on Vision AI techniques. Amongst the various Vision algos used in Metaverse, Pose Estimation is one of them.
In addition to Metaverse, Pose estimation is actively used in the field of augmented reality, animation, gaming, and robotics.
Pose estimation is a computer vision technique that predicts and tracks the location of a person or object. This is done by looking at a combination of the pose and the orientation of a given person/object. Essentially it is a way to capture a set of coordinates for each joint (arm, head, torso, etc.,) which is known as a key point — that can describe the pose of a person.
Attend this Workshop to learn about “Human Post Estimation in Images” along with a hands-on workshop on CellStrat Hub — one of the world’s most popular AI Development Platforms.
Topic — Vision Hands-on Workshop — Detect Human Pose in Images
Dates — Sun 27th Feb ‘22, 10:30 AM IST
Presenter — Ranjith Muralidharan, AI Researcher
See you in this Workshop tomorrow ! Let’s disrupt with AI, together !
ABOUT CELLSTRAT HUB :- Your one stop shop AI learning and development platform. More than 13000 developers are already using this platform for AI. You too can get started here ! It comes bundled with 150+ projects in AI and ML domains !
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